AI, quantum computing and robotics make headlines every day. Duke Engineering is behind more than its fair share of them, ...
The rigorous engineering education we provide to students at all stages of their lives is the center of who we are as an institution. A Duke Engineering education leads to lives of purpose and ...
B.S. State University of New York, Binghamton, 1994 M.E. University of Delaware, 1996 M.E.M. Duke University, 2001 ...
Incorporating weak bonds that lay the groundwork for new networks allows tougher double-network hydrogels that recover from ...
Emily Edwards is working to educate the public about the wonders of quantum information science through interactive games.
Could a virtual model of your body—a “digital twin”—predict heart trouble, well before you feel symptoms? Learn how we’re finding, tracking and treating human disease with Dean Jerome P. Lynch and ...
Biomedical engineers at Duke University have demonstrated a new synthetic approach that turbocharges bacteria into producing more of a specific protein, even proteins that would normally destroy them, ...
A record of challenges, successes and growth A personal tool for assessing and planning A public way to promote your interests—and yourself Q: When’s the best time to start or build your portfolio? A: ...
The overall objective of our laboratory is the development of novel radioactive compounds for improving the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. This work primarily involves radiohalo-genation of ...
The Pratt Research Fellows Program is a unique, immersive opportunity for undergraduates to conduct authentic research with a faculty member. It’s a deeply engaging and rewarding experience. Typically ...
We are using functional genomic approaches to investigate the nutrient signaling and stress adaptations of cancer cells when exposed to various nutrient deprivations and microenvironmental stress ...
Duke Engineering is strengthening local and global connections through community-engaged research, transformative learning and impactful STEM outreach. Our mission is to serve society by turning ...