It stands for “Failed In London, Try Holyrood”, of course. So enjoy The March Of The Rejects next year, as the SNP explains ...
The Presiding Officer has finally reluctantly deigned to allow the Scottish Parliament to discuss the issues arising from ...
Some of our more alert readers may recall the events of four years ago this month, when a mob of SNP representatives all ...
In April 2021, the SNP were still the undisputed masters of all they surveyed. A poll conducted by Ipsos MORI that month ...
What with this poll apparently being such terrific news for John Swinney’s runaway popularity with the people of Scotland, ...
We don’t need a cartoonist today. How could he be funnier than this? Please let us one day discover who the wailing colleague was.
Much of Scotland, and indeed the rest of the UK and beyond (the story below ran in the London Standard), has been grimly gripped this week by the ongoing and scarcely believable trainwreck that is ...
I really hope Trump says something scathing about Starmer. The guy is cringeworthy. I watched him say that Britains war money was a gift to that war torn country. He’s so two faced. And now he’s doing ...
A couple of days ago a reader asked on Twitter if we thought Reform, who continue to lead in UK opinion polling, might allow a second indyref if they actually got into power, as it would for obvious ...