The curriculum provides thorough training in 401(k) plan management and plan compliance and testing. Earning the QKA ® credential proves that you have met the national standard for all professionals ...
The QKC program focuses on complex 401(k) topics, training seasoned staff to administer advanced plans. It covers the skills you’ll need to amplify client satisfaction (including the plan sponsors and ...
This targeted training enhances understanding of 401(k) plan setup, maintenance, and compliance, focusing on effective client engagement. Earning the QKS Credential showcases your knowledge in 401(k) ...
Provided by the ASPPA Government Affairs Committee, ASPPA Focus (formerly known as ASPPA asaps) serves to provide members with analysis of the latest breaking news and technical releases in ASPPA's ...
It was a cold winter in most of the country — just ask the Floridians who had to shovel inches of snow to reach the orange trees. And the chill extended to California — at least as far as CalSavers is ...
Private-sector retirement coverage offers a wide range of options for building a financially secure retirement. But any system can sometimes benefit from some fine-tuning. An expert panel offers their ...
Sponsoring the ASPPA Annual and TPA Growth Summit Conference positions your brand at the heart of the retirement plan administration and recordkeeping industry. This event offers opportunities to: ...
Welcome to the new ASPPA online Membership Directory! Access to the directory is limited to ASPPA members only. Please click here to access the directory. We are interested in your feedback on the new ...
The QPA credential program provides the essential technical knowledge required to administer defined benefit (DB) plans and work effectively with clients who offer them. The curriculum covers various ...
Member shall not engage in any Advertising with respect to Professional Services that the Member knows or is reasonably expected to know are false. A Member shall be knowledgeable about this Code, ...
The Employee Benefits Security Administration’s (EBSA) probationary employees who were fired on Feb. 21 will be reinstated on Monday, March 10, according to a source. The reinstatement order is ...