Bydd y rhaglen blwch tywod, a ariennir gan Gronfa Blwch Tywod Bioleg Beirianegol yr Adran Gwyddoniaeth, Arloesi a Thechnoleg, yn sicrhau bod cynhyrchion a wneir drwy feithrin celloedd (CCPs) yn ddioge ...
The sandbox programme, funded by the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology’s Engineering Biology Sandbox Fund, will make sure Cell-Cultivated Products (CCPs) are safe for consumers before ...
The guidance aims to support food businesses when providing information on the 14 food allergens to their customers, whilst helping to keep consumers safe. It applies to food businesses providing ...
28. Yr arfer orau i fusnesau bwyd yw sicrhau bod gwybodaeth am alergenau ar gael yn hawdd yn ysgrifenedig i ddefnyddwyr, gan hefyd sicrhau bod staff yn gallu cefnogi hyn gyda sgwrs. 29. Wrth ...
Food businesses must tell consumers if they use any of the 14 regulated allergens in the food they provide. If you sell non-prepacked or loose foods, such as a meal in a restaurant or loose brownies ...
Assimilated Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers (“FIC”): Regulation (EU ...
1. Food businesses must inform consumers if they have used any of the 14 mandated allergens as an ingredient in their food. 2. This information is particularly important for consumers who have a food ...
Mae’r Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd (ASB) wedi cyhoeddi canllawiau arferion gorau i’r diwydiant ar ddarparu gwybodaeth am alergenau i ddefnyddwyr â gorsensitifrwydd i fwyd. Y bwriad yw annog y diwydiant i d ...
This publication sets out best practice guidance for food businesses providing non-prepacked foods, on how they can provide mandatory allergen information to consumers. The guidance is intended to ...
Food business operators in the retail and catering sector are required to provide allergen information and follow labelling rules as set out in food law. This means that food business operators must: ...
Cereal Partners UK and Ireland are recalling Nestlé Frosted Shreddies because they may contain small hard lumps of sugar which have formed in the product. This makes the product unsafe to eat and may ...