Over the last decade, the U.S., UK Israel and other states have begun to use Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for military operations and for targeted killings in places like Pakistan, Yemen and ...
In strategic studies and international relations, grand strategy is a frequently-invoked concept. Yet, despite its popularity, it is not well understood and it has many definitions, some of which are ...
In 1917, two empires that had dominated much of Europe and Asia teetered on the edge of the abyss, exhausted by the ruinous cost in blood and treasure of the First World War. As Imperial Russia and ...
Russia's influence operations in Georgia represent one of the Black Sea region's most comprehensive hybrid warfare campaigns. The Kremlin has employed ...
From the “Great Arab Revolt” against Ottoman rule in World War I to the upheavals of the Arab Spring, this text analyzes a century of modern Arab history through the lens of three intertwined notions: ...
H. L. Mencken (1880–1956) was a reporter, literary critic, editor, author — and a famous American agnostic in the twentieth century. From his role in the Scopes Trial to his advocacy of science and ...
Since restoring their independence, the Baltic states have focused on pursuing historical justice related to Soviet crimes, which included widespread ...
News and has a distinguished career working for some of the most respected media organizations in the United States. She also is President and CEO of the World Affairs Council of Harrisburg, an ...
Chief of the Mail & Guardian, a South Africa-based publication. His adventures as a journalist have taken him across a ...