Professor Bessembinder and his associates utilized security data from the Center for Research in Securities Prices (CRSP).
Since the end of the Global Financial Crisis in mid-2009, the US equity market has achieved an average annual return of over ...
You’re going to die. And you’ll probably get really sick first and, at the same time, your brain won’t be functioning nearly as well as it used to. So, on that cheerful note, let’s look more closely ...
Remember the summer of 2013? Of course you do. Rob Ford smokes crack! Cory Monteith dies! The Royals get a new baby! The Obamas get a new puppy! Alberta goes underwater (the first time)! Mike Duffy ...
Peter’s 31, and has been shopping for a townhouse in Vancouver for the past six months. Unlike most people who write to me, he’s not a complete screwup. “I’ve been reading your blog for two months, ...
Last month the Wall Street Journal, a bastion for conservative and free market principles, penned an editorial excoriating ...
It’s gone too far. Canada cannot be annexed, occupied, or held. American voters made a grave error. Trump will go. The memory will not. There are still scorched timbers in my basement.
I just took a call from a woman in BC. She and her husband’s life savings are frozen, and may never thaw, since the money was ‘temporarily’ put by an advisor into high-quality commercial paper ...