Copayment accumulators and maximizers have the potential to harm patients’ access to necessary medicines. Health care payers (including employers, insurers, and pharmacy benefit managers), regulators, ...
Health Affairs' Senior Deputy Editor Rob Lott interviews Erica Eliason of Rutgers University on her recent paper that explores how continuous eligibility policies and the Children's Health Insurance ...
Regulatory and reimbursement pathways should consider indirect benefits in addition to direct health benefits when evaluating ...
It is not clear what would become of the federal government’s health care enforcement efforts without the False Claims Act’s qui tam program.
It is fair to wonder why – given its relatively low cost, powerful economic benefits, predominantly state-based control, and demographic neutrality – Republicans are so consistently preoccupied with ...
This piece, part 2 of a two-part article, addresses the rule’s proposed policies on failure to reconcile, income verification ...
Even though anti-motion sensors hold incredible potential in saving lives, it is important to note that the cost of ...
Hospital boarding in the emergency department (ED)—holding admitted hospital patients in the ED due to a shortage of ...
Poor nutrition in the US causes more than 600,000 deaths and an estimated $1.1 trillion in health care spending and lost productivity annually, as well as profound health disparities. Food Is Medicine ...
President Trump campaigned on leaving the issue of abortion up to state policymakers. However, his administration has already ...
When the committee reevaluates its recommendations, it should give greater weight to feasibility and implementation ...
Potential Medicare coverage reforms, such as eliminating Coverage with Evidence Development, would remove key policy tools ...