OPEC+'s decision to increase oil production starting in April was made against the backdrop of not only annual but also seasonal demand growth, and the market could see both a surplus and a deficit, ...
Almasadam Satkaliyev has been appointed Chairman of the Atomic Energy Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to a decree signed by the President of Kazakhstan.
Москва. 18 марта. ИНТЕРФАКС - Трейдеры, сделавшие ставки на снижение акций автопроизводителя Tesla, получили нереализованную прибыль в размере $16,2 млрд с середины декабря прошлого года, пишет Financ ...
Kazakhstan increased production and export of vegetable oil in 2024 by 12% compared to 2023, the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture reported.
Москва. 18 марта. ИНТЕРФАКС - Китайский интернет-гигант Alibaba заложил в бюджет на этот год 39 млрд юаней ($5,39 млрд) на покупку ИИ-чипов, пишет Financial Times со ссылкой на информированный источни ...