An insight into why we might privilege social justice, over criminal justice Prison does not only impact and harm those who are directly locked up; prisons affect all of us. Yet many of us don’t ...
The UK is one of the most unequal countries in the developed world, and income inequality could be set to worsen as capital and property ownership become more important sources of income generation.
The UK economy has had a split personality since the Great Recession, combining a record-strong labour market with historically low productivity growth. A solution to this ‘productivity puzzle’ has so ...
We identify five options for improving the situation that could be adopted at the forthcoming spending review – or sooner. These options would provide addi ...
Child poverty remains a persistent and deeply rooted issue in the UK. In 2022/23 it was estimated that 4.3 million children live in relative poverty, and this number has risen in recent years. Among ...
This in-depth case study report presents the findings from new research into the causes, processes and effects of human trafficking from Nigeria to the UK. Taking a 'whole of journey' approach, it ...
In a world that currently seems increasingly dominated by ‘strong man’ politics and macho posturing, this International Women’s Day it seems more important than ever to take stock of where we are on ...
Migrant families subject to the no recourse to public funds (NRPF) condition are prevented from accessing most forms of support with childcare costs, including the expanded entitlement for working ...
As the number of maternal breadwinners continues to rise across Europe, this report compares the demographics of this phenomenon both across the continent and in Britain and Germany specifically, ...
Younger generations, in addition to being economically worse off than their parents, face a future of unprecedented environmental breakdown. They will disproportionately bear the burden of having to ...
After three years of a Conservative-led Coalition government, Tim Bale asks what is left of the modernisation of the Tory party and who among its leading lights might carry the torch for party ...