YouGov shows Reform voters are statistically tied on whether their party would be better or worse off with a different leader ...
The Liberal Democrats have selected Adam Harley for the Strathkelvin and Bearsden Scottish Parliament constituency.
Only the two principal authority council by-elections this week but they included a successful Lib Dem defence in Exe Valley, Devon.
Duncan Brack and I pick over Jeremy Thorpe's career - securing Britain's place in Europe, leading the Liberals to prominence ...
The latest quarterly donations figures from the Electoral Commission show that the Lib Dems got more money than Labour.
Two impressive Liberal Democrat defences at opposite ends of England in this week's local council by-elections.
Nine council by-elections this week and let's start with another case of the Liberal Democrats being the party that can beat ...
YouGov polling finds that Reform are vulnerable to tactical voting, especially in contests versus the Liberal Democrats.
Jess Brown-Fuller was elected Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament for the Chichester constituency at the 2024 general ...
Cllr Andrew Tromans, who had previously left the Labour Party, is now joining the Liberal Democrats on Dudley Council.