Tue Mar 11 2025, 01:32 AM 01:32 AM Home Authors Sultan Shahin Mohammad Yunus Naseer Ahmed Ghulam Ghaus Ghulam Rasool Arshad Alam Rashid Samnakay Sohail Arshad New Age Islam Staff Writer ...
Note: Every year, on the 10th of Ramazan, Muslims recall the death of Khadija bint Khuwailid (SA), the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), also known as "Mother of the Believers". This article ...
One reader Peter is offended by my articles on the NAI site because they don't align with his brand of religious thinking. My last article on Satan, pooh-poohing its existence, came as the last straw ...
Prominent historians and scholars have noted that Islamic rulers were not particularly interested in converting non-Muslims, as these populations provided a steady stream of tax revenue. Nassim ...
It is true that, no religion in the world teaches its followers extremism, hatred and agitation. Religions always teach unity, love and compassion in society. This is what is evident when we study ...
RSS Combine’s agenda of Hindu Rashtra has been built upon the narratives through multiple mechanisms. The festivals have been the occasion for promoting its agenda. Also highlighting some deities for ...
Fatima Mernissi (1940-2015), a Moroccan sociologist and feminist, made significant contributions to the understanding of women’s roles in Islamic history and society. Through her thought-provoking ...
تاریخ شاہد ہے کہ نوجوان کسی بھی معاشرے کی تعمیر و ترقی اور فلاح و بہبود میں بنیادی کردار ادا کرتے ہیں ۔ لیکن یہ اس وقت ہوتا ہے جب کہ نوجوان اپنی صلاحیتوں اور خوبیوں کو تعمیری اور مثبت طور پر ...
I don't understand Hindu India's fixation on the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb and his cruelty. He was undoubtedly cruel. Renowned historian Professor Irfan Habib has called him the cruellest Mughal ...
Rutba Showkat, An 18-Year-Old From Srinagar, Is A National Martial Arts Champion And Guinness World Record Holder In Origami. Balancing Sports, Art, And Studies, She Inspires Young Talents With Her ...
• Belief in resurrection, judgment, paradise, and hell is central to the Qur'an’s moral framework. • Example: "And We set up a just balance for the Day of Resurrection so that no soul will be wronged ...
1. A coup to topple Waqaruzzaman was foiled on 7th March. 2. Four Indian external affairs ministry officers visited Dhaka to finalise Hasina's return. 3. 4.Pro-Pakistan Bangladesh army officer Faizur ...