"The efficacy findings reported to date are 71% any time response," says John A. Taylor III, MD, MS. In this video, John A. Taylor III, MD, MS, shares the design and preliminary findings of the phase ...
Radium-223 re-treatment in mCRPC patients shows a low incidence of hematologic and non-hematologic adverse events, including skeletal-related events. The study reported a median overall survival of 16 ...
Ra-223 treatment improves overall survival, quality of life, and delays skeletal events in mCRPC patients, with a favorable safety profile. The review included 48 real-world observational studies, ...
"We see that among the patients who went on to receiving cystectomy, 84% are metastases free," says Pooja Ghatalia, MD. In this video, Pooja Ghatalia, MD, shares key findings from the study, “A phase ...
Nadofaragene firadenovec shows high efficacy in BCG-unresponsive NMIBC, with 79% achieving complete response at 3 months. The study reported a favorable safety profile, with no grade 4-5 adverse ...
Darolutamide plus ADT significantly improves radiological progression-free survival in mHSPC, reducing progression or death risk by 46%. The treatment effect is more pronounced in low-volume disease, ...
“Both groups benefited, but it would look like earlier is better if we can treat patients with low-volume disease,” says Fred Saad, MD, FRCS In this video, Fred Saad, MD, FRCS, shares key findings ...
Darolutamide plus ADT and docetaxel improved overall survival and delayed mCRPC and subsequent therapy initiation in mHSPC patients, regardless of age. The study showed consistent efficacy benefits in ...
Talazoparib and enzalutamide combination significantly improved overall survival in mCRPC patients compared to enzalutamide and placebo. The TALAPRO-2 study showed a median overall survival of 45.8 ...
“Of the 3 adrenal androgens, it's DHEA that seems to be most indicative of overall survival,” says Nima Sharifi, MD. In this video, Nima Sharifi, MD, shares key findings from the study, “Adrenal ...