of U.S. adults identify as Christians. Note: 1% did not answer the question. Figures may not sum to 100% due to rounding. Explore charts about: Explore charts about: Search by region, state, or metro ...
Martin Luther King III, the son of revered civil rights icons Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, directly ...
The National Trust for Historic Preservation’s African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund is awarding $8.5 million in ...
The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church mourns the passing of former Senior Bishop, George Edward Battle Jr., a dedicated ...
This is the most probable date when Black explorer Jean Baptiste Pointe du Sable begins building the settlement, which would eventually become the city of Chicago, Ill. The Haitian-born (c 1745) du ...
North Carolina churches are raising concerns that letting ICE enforce within congregations will deter immigrants from ...
While aspiring entertainers often head to New York to follow their dreams, some of the who’s who in entertainment have tapped ...
These proclamations celebrate the contributions women have made to the United States and recognize the specific achievements women have made over the course of American history in a variety of fields.
"She is a true American Patriot and chose to help preserve the Union by risking her ... including the opening ceremony for the Thompson Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, which is part ...
“Every congregation will appoint Safe Church Officers ... distributing 500 news and information items daily from over 110 African news organizations and our own reporters to an African and ...
His home was near two existing African American churches — the Bethel Church and the First Colored Methodist Episcopal Church ... as originally the AME Zion Church, a site that was a place ...