As the planet warms, Antarctica's ice sheet is melting and contributing to sea-level rise around the globe. Antarctica holds ...
A new map released this week gives us a clear view of the continent as if its massive sheet of ice has been removed.
A groundbreaking new map,Bedmap3, has provided the most detailed view yet of the hidden landscape beneath Antarctica’s ice ...
The most detailed map yet of the landscape beneath Antarctica's ice sheet has been assembled by a team of international ...
China wants to build a new Antarctic base, not far (in Antarctic terms) from New Zealand’s Scott Base. It would be China’s ...
New Zealand media hyped that China plans to "construct its second base on the New Zealand side of Antarctica." A Chinese ...
A team from EL PAÍS joins the Spanish expedition which has detected the spread of deadly avian flu among Antarctic fauna ...
The General Directorate of Mapping (HGM) under the Ministry of National Defense and the Navigation, Hydrography and ...
As the planet heats up and Antarctica’s ice sheet melts at a faster pace, scientists warn of a steady rise in sea levels.
The influx of cold meltwater could slow the Antarctic Circumpolar Current by up to 20% by 2050, researchers reported March 3 ...
Peter Fretwell, mapping specialist and co-author at BAS, said it had become clear that the Antarctic Ice Sheet is thicker ...
Antarctica is like no place on Earth. The "White Continent" has lured explorers and scientists to its stunning, ice-encrusted ...