A rare "Star Wars" prop from "A New Hope" is among movie memorabilia going under the hammer in Los Angeles in March.
A sex worker from Brooklyn meets and marries the son of a Russian oligarch. However, her Cinderella-esque story is threatened as her new in-laws set to get the marriage annulled. Set in 1970s New ...
Love movies? Live for TV? USA TODAY's Watch Party newsletter has all the best recommendations, delivered right to your inbox. Sign up now and be one of the cool kids. You don't score 10 Oscar ...
Thriller movie? Nah, your girls get scared easily. Drama? Yawn. Romance? Hmm, maybe. Oooh, what about something funny with a dash of romance? A guaranteed crowd-pleaser, duh. Even though you might ...
When it comes to movies, why wait for the end-of-year best-of lists? A number of movies have already garnered 3.5 stars or more from The Washington Post’s critics and contributors (Ann Hornaday ...
There are a lot of free movies available on YouTube, and Warner Bros. conveniently put out a playlist with all their free full-length classic films. Included in the playlist is the Dungeons ...
Some classic sci-fi novels get the luxury of excellent ... There are many great sci-fi novels that should be turned into live-action movies; conversely, there is one that Hollywood needs to ...