Did you assume common law marriage existed in every state? I did. I feel like it was one of those bits of information that floated around as simply a given that if you lived with someone for seven ...
Common Law Marriage is an arrangement where non-married persons are treated as married persons under the law. The arrangement has been abolished in the vast majority of U.S. states; currently ...
Common-law marriage refers to a relationship in which couples have not filed for marriage at government offices but are ...
Cohabitation and common law marriage rules Addressing the nature of a couple’s relationship is also imperative to a cohabitation agreement. The agreement should make clear that the relationship ...
The Colorado Supreme Court on Monday changed the way common-law marriage is defined in the courts to make it more inclusive of same-sex couples and to update the three-decade-old legal standard to ...
In the above technical interpretation, the CRA confirms the ability to claim spousal donations even for the period prior to marriage or common-law partnership, provided the couple’s status is married ...
It’s pretty straightforward to get a marriage certificate in New Hampshire as long as you’re at least 18 years old, but you need to gather the right documents first. Marriage certificates are ...