14 小时on MSN
作为全球最成功的游戏系列之一,《GTA》至今依然拥有庞大的玩家群体。即便距离发售已超过十年,《给他爱5》PC版每日仍有约10万名活跃玩家,而其中一大推动力正是Mod社区的兴起。尤其是由Cfx.re团队打造的FiveM平台(多人游戏平台),不仅让无数玩 ...
GTA Online’s Podium Vehicle is given a fresh update by Rockstar Games every week in the Diamond Casino, but which car is available this week, and how do you guarantee a win on the Lucky Wheel ...
The Gun Van in GTA Online is your one-stop shop for some of the best weapons in the game — but to get them, you’ll need to know where it’s located, as it moves around on a daily basis.