Katie Kerpel / Investopedia Mandated by the Basel Accords, the liquidity coverage ratio is the amount of liquid assets that financial institutions must have on hand to ensure they can meet their ...
In a study that unlocks exciting possibilities for solar cells and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) based on materials known as perovskites, RIKEN researchers have refined techniques for controlling the ...
To test this battery, which is a prototype about 4 cubic centimeters small, researchers used two different radioactive sources, cesium-137, and cobalt-60, some of the most significant fission products ...
The bulk of the radioactivity in the wastewater being pumped into the ocean is from tritium, the radioactive form of hydrogen, and carbon-14, neither of which can be filtered from water they ...
This purified stream is then crystallized into ammonium sulphate crystals, a widely used industrial fertilizer. Miscellaneous minor process streams are also processed in the ammonium sulphate ...
The firm also obtained a portfolio of consumer products, which are marketed and distributed in the retail marketplace, as a result of its August 2024 merger with Scott's Liquid Gold-Inc.
New atomic clocks are more accurate than those used to define the second, suggesting the definition might need to change ...
Some models predict that any liquid water on Mars' surface must have been covered by sheets of ice before it disappeared. However, the new findings, which were published Jan. 15 in the journal ...