Overall, the percentage of students from kindergarten to third grade who scored at or above the benchmark in literacy rose ...
The Ed. Dept. said federally funded centers were “forcing radical agendas.” State officials say they helped foster academic ...
Florida students’ low scores on the recent National Assessment for Educational Progress shows state leaders have much to do.
A few years after the state began to push schools to adopt a new, systematic way to teach kids how to read, Louisiana ...
The results of a nationwide study conducted by academics at Harvard and Stanford show a puzzling pattern – students' math ...
The pandemic hit schools hard. From shocking increases in chronic absenteeism rates to pervasive learning loss, nothing ...
Nor is MacKenzie Price, Sari Factor or others on the frontlines of K-12 education and the uphill climb to rebound from ...
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Math enthusiasts around the world, from college students to rocket scientists, celebrate Pi Day, ...
The vice president of the Ontario Association for Mathematics Education says pi is one of the most beautiful numbers in ...
Mathematician Dr. Steven Strogatz breaks down the history of the math concept and brings it full circle to recent science.
Lars Jensen was nearly fired for handing out flyers about potential harm to the community from lowering the "academic level" ...
Data from the Nation's Report Card, an annual survey conducted by the ED, shows math and reading scores have only modestly approved since its inception.