India is one of the first nations to recognise rivers as “living people”. Despite this, water bodies in the country continue ...
A recent study conducted by researchers from the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography (XIEG) of the Chinese Academy of ...
VALE — Bureau of Land Management Vale District is advising visitors of dangerously high flows and very cold water ...
Your Florida House and Senate representatives and Gov. Ron DeSantis need to know how you stand on this issue. Once lost, ...
Punts floating serenely along, magnificent buildings sitting in the sunshine – that's the vision of the River Cam that makes ...
We are coming up on five years since the day when everything shut down. An experience so traumatic for some, apparently, that ...
Keep Sedona Beautiful will hold its next Preserving the Wonder Speaker Series event on Wednesday, March 19 at 5:00 pm. This month, Jim Turner, Arizona Historical Society Historian will share ...
While rainfall for the winter months, and February in particular, is far lower than last year, aquifer levels remain above ...
Why it's Lee Ferry and Vail Pass. But what if Trump gets involved? To some it's Lee Ferry. Others call it Lees Ferry. A primer on our geographical names ...
A new congressional bill aims to improve fisheries and environmental quality in the Mississippi River basin with a federally ...
A mining company on the San Joaquin River wants a long-term commitment from Fresno County. CEMEX is located on Friant Road near Willow Avenue and is proposing to extend mining operations for the next ...
A recent rain-on-snow event led to minor flooding in Hangman Latah Creek, causing significant sediment pollution in the ...