Narrator: In this film, two professional writers have been brought together to answer a GCSE English Language question under exam conditions. Solomon OB is an Award Winning Poet and Musician.
To meet this profile, you need at least a 4 in GCSE English. If you do not have this grade, you need to meet at least one of the below requirements. We consider these UK qualifications to be ...
Competence in written and spoken English is a General Entrance Requirement for entry to all courses and a GCSE at Grade C or above in English covers this requirement. If you haven't completed a GCSE ...
To meet this profile, you need at least a 4 in GCSE Modern Foreign Language. Details of which language is required will be specified on the course pages. If you do not have this grade, you need to ...
Last year it was announced that a new sciences GCSE would be introduced a year later than planned and plans for a British sign language GCSE were also suspended. Reacting to the announcement on ...