近日,阶跃星辰研究团队通过大规模实证探索,耗费了近 100 万 NVIDIA H800 GPU 小时(约百万美元),从头训练了 3,700 个不同规模,共计训了 100 万亿个 token,揭示了 LLM ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
DeepSeek focuses on creating advanced AI platforms to boost efficiency and productivityin fields like finance, healthcare, education, and logistics. For example, in finance, its tools can predict ...
点击上方“Deephub Imba”,关注公众号,好文章不错过 ...
随着大模型时代的到来,搜推广模型是否具备新的进化空间?能否像深度学习时期那样迸发出旺盛的迭代生命力?带着这样的期待,阿里妈妈搜索广告在过去两年的持续探索中,逐步厘清了一些关键问题,成功落地了多个优化方向。如今,我们更加坚定地认为,搜推广模型与大模型的 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...