JOE Hello and welcome to the latest Tech Bitez. On today's episode, we're talking about health and safety. Something I took very seriously in school. I was actually voted in as head safety officer ...
Artificial intelligence has made solid strides in workplace and occupational safety, but are you keeping pace? Over the past few years, we have seen predictive and generative AI used to analyze ...
Identifying institutions that have optimized usability and safety and understanding how their health information technology systems support improved patient safety is critical to reducing hazards ...
University of Iowa Health Care’s downtown campus is using new technology meant to enhance patient safety for newborns.As a ...
Amarillo College announced that it’s safety courses were awarded a grant worth $100,000 from the Texas Mutual Insurance ...
The 15-item package featured agreements issued on behalf of several departments including health and human services, information and technology solutions, the planning commission, and public ...
Students from Kalani and Waipahu high schools and Iolani School competed in a game show-style competition that covered topics like personal finance, the environment, technology, health and safety ...
Amarillo College received a $100,000 award from Texas Mutual Insurance Company to continue funding its Safety and ...