内容简介介绍 TaKaRa 公司的 Shasta 单细胞建库系统。这个系统可以做:单细胞总 RNA 建库测序;单细胞全基因组建库测序;单细胞全长 mRNA 建库。详细内容一、Shasta 系统大家好,今天给大家介绍 TaKaRa 公司的 Shasta ...
These include difficulty in purifying extremely small amounts of total RNA, a lack of sensitivity, the need to collect samples often because of the very limited amount of RNA available and the ...
Image Credit: Roche Sequencing and Life Science The frequency of SNV alleles is consistent across DNA and RNA readings. Using the KAPA Total Prep FFPE methodology and the KAPA HyperCap Oncology ...