After the preschool years, kids still like cartoons, but they want something more complex than straightforward messages about friendship and sharing. They like a bit of conflict, some bad guys (who ...
Last week, several drew Elon Musk giving President Donald Trump a piggyback ride. They were inspired by Musk and his 4-year-old son's visit to the White House. The boy rode on his father's ...
Duo, the green cartoon owl mascot for language learning app Duolingo, has died, and singer Dua Lipa is grieving. The brand announced Duo’s passing on Tuesday, writing in a cheeky statement on th ...
Running time: 106 minutes. Rated PG (action, mild rude humor and some thematic elements). In theaters Feb. 14. Even a bear needs a breather. So, off jets Paddington to sunny South America in “Pa ...