But on a warm afternoon in December, 77 of these animals were captured near the town of Alpine and hauled back home to build ...
A Far North farmer who has been losing hundreds of sheep to wild dogs wants the canine attackers officially labelled pests, so there can be more freedom to eradicate them.
Wild bighorn sheep are one of my favorite animals, especially the older rams. And yes, if you want to pay the price, you can ...
North Dakota Game and Fish Department manages the state’s bighorn sheep primarily for hunters, with approximately 270 rams ...
John Becker rescued an albino fawn on a Texas road and took it to a wildlife rehabilitation center. Another albino fawn, Spirit, was found in Californ ...
Wild Sheep Society of BC CEO Kyle Stelter says wild sheep face numerous threats, especially in the Okanagan. “If you like driving down Westside Road and seeing sheep by the road don’t take it ...
J. S. Bach’s most famous arias, “Schafe könne sicher weiden” (Sheep may safely graze) projects safety for the governed ...
LETHBRIDGE HERALDapulido@lethbridgeherald.comProposed changes to the Wildlife Act support updated, fair and responsible stewardship of Alberta's wildlife ...
A Utah-based hydroelectric company wants to build another reservoir above Seminoe Reservoir to produce bursts of energy when demand is high, promising to bring tax revenue and jobs to a rural part of ...
As a Montana local, I think visiting Flathead Lake and Whitefish Mountain Resort are some of the best things to do near ...