Gene therapy involves the introduction of new genes into cells, to restore or add gene expression, for the purpose of treating disease. Most commonly a mutated gene is replaced with DNA encoding a ...
Some genes are beneficial and enhance longevity. For example, the gene that helps a person metabolize cholesterol would reduce a person's risk of heart disease. Some gene mutations are inherited.
Gene delivery is a process by which foreign DNA is transferred to host cells for applications such as genetic research or gene therapy. Gene delivery methods can be mechanical (e.g. microinjection ...
这款疫苗已于2023年6月获得国家紧急使用批准,是全球首款针对XBB毒株的重组蛋白疫苗。 新冠病毒的快速变异使得疫苗研发面临持续挑战。随着新亚型的出现,现有疫苗常常难以快速适应病毒的变化,迫切需要开发能够对抗多种变异株的广谱疫苗。虽然XBB.1.5亚 ...
These could be signs that you have an inherited intolerance to alcohol — and a mutated gene could be the culprit, according to Cleveland Clinic. This gene mutation hampers the body’s ability ...
Cryo-EM analysis on the complex between Fab (Fragment, Antigen-Binding) K4-66 and SARS-CoV-2 XBB.1.5 S ectodomain revealed that K4-66 recognizes the same epitope as previously reported IGHV3-53/3 ...
覆盖XBB.1.5的疫苗是目前最有希望成为针对奥密克戎变异株的通用型候选疫苗 。 17日,由威斯克生物/川大华西医院针对最新 ...