As the football season reaches its climax, transfer rumors are heating up, and one name is dominating discussions: Alvarez. Reports from Anfield Watch indicate that Liverpool is keen to bring Atletico ...
In the dynamic world of professional football, rest periods between matches have become a focal point of discussion, particularly among elite teams. This article explores the contrasting attitudes of ...
(马德里综合电)西甲球队体育马德里(Atletico Madrid)于新加坡时间星期四(3月13日)凌晨在主场进行的欧洲冠军赛次回合中,以1比0力挫皇家马德里(Real Madrid),将两回合比分追成2比2。不过他们在点球大战2比4告负,止步16强赛。
(马德里综合电)与巴塞罗那(Barcelona)一同展开本赛季西甲冠军三角战的皇家马德里(Real Madrid)与体育马德里(Atletico Madrid),新加坡时间星期天(3月9日)在联赛中的命运大不同,前者主场以2比1战胜巴列卡诺(Vallecano),在积分上追平领跑的巴塞;后者则在客场1比2败给赫塔费(Getafe),不仅痛失登顶机会,还被皇马以一分超越,排名落至第三位。