A capital chinesa planeja administrar vacinas gratuitas contra o papilomavírus humano (HPV) para meninas da sétima série a partir de setembro deste ano, juntando-se a várias regiões provinciais e cida ...
BEIJING, March 13 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping extended on Thursday congratulations to Konstantinos Tasoulas on assuming the Greek presidency. In his congratulatory message, Xi pointed out ...
Entre los bancos por acciones, el Shanghai Pudong Development Bank también ha adoptado el modelo DeepSeek-R1 671B y lo ha ...
BEIJING, March 12 (Xinhua) -- Beijing will introduce artificial intelligence (AI) courses for primary and secondary school students, in an effort to nurture future-oriented and innovative talent.
O ministro das Relações Exteriores da China, Wang Yi, conversou com o ministro das Relações Exteriores da República ...
Beijing E-Town también indicó que los perros robóticos ayudarán a garantizar la seguridad para la celebración de un evento de ...
近日,国际政治格局持续动荡,一种名为“BMW(Beijing Moscow Washington) 邪恶联盟”的说法在西方舆论场引发广泛讨论。美中俄真的会形成某种战略同盟关系吗,还是该说法只是西方舆论场的一种策略性叙事?三国关系未来走向如何?点击 ▶ ...
快科技3月14日消息 今天,百度地图挺“热闹”,先后相继传出来两个大消息,先是特斯拉方面确认了其和百度地图的合作仅限于地图导航层面。 紧接着,百度地图正式发布了全球首个智驾级车位导航,实现从车道级导航到车位级泊车的衔接。
BEIJING, March 13 (Xinhua) -- China will expand the coverage of a pilot cash-pooling service that integrates domestic and foreign currency management for multinational companies, the country's ...
乘用车零售价格带持续上行,自主品牌市占率不断提升。根据乘联会数据,近几年30万以上乘用车市场持续扩容,2024年30万以上燃油车销量达到188万辆,新能源乘用车销量达到129万辆。根据汽车之家及Marklines数据,目前30-50万价格带TOP10车型仍以合资品牌为主,但得益于理想、问界等车型的推出,自主品牌市占率不断提升,2024年达到47%。从2025年新车规划来看,自主品牌新车规划明显多于 ...
The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) on January 21 launched a three-year campaign, to promote the development of women's federations within new economic and social organizations, and within new ...