Walmart is caught in the crossfire of escalating trade tensions between the United States and China amid President Donald ...
MGA’s plans show how US makers of everyday items, which rely heavily on Chinese factories for their products, are adjusting ...
A major supplier of toys to Walmart and Target is accelerating its shift out of China as it reshapes production amid ...
The current tariffs on goods coming from Canada, Mexico, and China are now in place. They will have an effect on how much ...
MGA Entertainment, a major supplier to Walmart (NYSE:WMT) and Target, is accelerating its shift away from China due to ...
A state-owned Hong Kong media outlet said CK Hutchinson's sale of ports at the Panama Canal to a BlackRock-led consortium is a betrayal.
HONG KONG] Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing has raised Beijing’s ire by agreeing to sell its control over ports in Panama to ...
全球零售巨头沃尔玛(Walmart)因应美国对华加征的关税,已要求中国供应商全面降价10%。此举让不少中国企业供应商大喊吃不消,但为保订单,恐仍被迫忍痛降价。然而,中国商务部3月11日传出已约谈沃尔玛,并对其压价行为表示关切,引发市场对沃尔玛可能遭到 ...
A group of House Republicans on Friday put forward legislation seeking to prevent Chinese students from studying in American ...
Kroger CEO Shake-Up
Interim CEO Ron Sargent is in and we're only focused on the future. Did you find that odd? What did you make of Kroger's ...
Amazon was reeling. The company’s revenue growth had fallen to its lowest levels in decades, and it was grappling with a ...
When it’s highly elevated, as it is now, it may mean that stocks are no longer reflecting the economic value that companies are contributing to the economy. Its current levels exceed those seen in ...