Recounted in the Book of Esther, the spring holiday of Purim is traditionally celebrated with feasting, gift-giving and ...
The clouds of confusion will clear, sanity will replace lunacy. The hypnotic spell of postmodern confusion will be broken.
The soldiers filmed themselves firing upon mention of Purim villain Haman; army says their behavior was 'contrary to IDF ...
LONGMEADOW, Mass. (WWLP) – The Lubavitcher Yeshiva Academy in Longmeadow continued its celebrations of the Jewish holiday, ...
St. Patrick’s Day, mostly because I have a theory that Ireland is a long-lost Latin American country, with their shared ...
Unlike in the story of the Megillah and during the Holocaust, Jews are presently defending their homeland, the country that ...
A traveler once arrived at the court of a renowned Hasidic Rabbi and, with a trembling voice, with the urgency of one ...
The true meaning of Purim is the celebration of Jewish Queen Esther saving the Jews from the Persian King in […] ...
Many consider this the most joyous day on the Jewish Calendar. My children and their friends at their preschool, for example, ...
They were taken from us in the worst way. They loved Batman, so today, I wear this for them,’ British comedian Zach Margs ...
Battalion commander read passage from Torah while wearing clown hat, as other soldiers began firing randomly, according to ...
The Chabad of Lake Havasu City hosted a feast to celebrate the holiday of Purim. The Megillah (Book of Esther) was read ...