Among legislation pending at the Arkansas Capitol is a bill that would force local law enforcement to work with ICE.
At the easternmost edge of the Ouachita National Forest and less than an hour away from Little Rock, Lake Sylvia is the site ...
Despite already being fully funded, progress on a roundabout at the convergence of Kanis, Denny and Steward roads, just ...
Local communities around the state are already trying to stop wind projects. This legislation could empower them more.
A congressional town hall moderated by Chris Jones is scheduled for March 18 in Little Rock, though legislators are nowhere ...
The board also heard updates on the consolidation of Carver and Washington elementary schools and the closure of Brady ...
Arkansas native singer-songwriter Chris Maxwell co-created the score for a New Yorker short film, "Happy to Help You," which stars Amy Sedaris.
We’re here to “slay dragons” and hold power accountable, but we can’t do it alone. By contributing today, you ensure that independent journalism not only survives but thrives in Arkansas.
Across Central Arkansas, a diverse urban farming movement is growing to build community and create social impact.
In the roughly six hours the original response options were available, 110 applicants representing 129 students clicked to ...
A report made public Thursday asserts that Arkansas Supreme Court Justice Karen Baker harassed judiciary employees on Dec.
According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, April takes its name from the Latin word aperio, meaning to open or bud. Perfect for ...