The Catalan director reveals what is behind his new documentary, which explores the contrasts between science and magic, ...
18/03/2025 - El cuarto largometraje del director gira en torno a una reunión familiar en una isla durante el invierno ...
La empresa con sede en Bristol ha anunciado que Aquella Navidad, El Grinch, Del revés, Arcane y Los Simpson se encuentran ...
The Bristol-based company has found that That Christmas, The Grinch, Inside Out, Arcane and The Simpsons were among the ...
18/03/2025 - El director catalán revela qué hay detrás de su nuevo documental, que investiga los contrapuntos entre la ciencia y la magia, y provoca a uno cuestionar sus propias creencias ...
18/03/2025 - L’austriaco Johannes Gierlinger racconta la transizione dalla dittatura comunista alla democrazia capitalista in Albania con un approccio poetico-saggistico ...
Secondo la società con sede a Bristol, That Christmas, The Grinch, Inside Out, Arcane e The Simpsons sono tra i titoli d'animazione più visti lo scorso anno in Europa ...
Analizamos cinco de los proyectos presentados este año en el encuentro lituano, la sección de industria del Festival de Vilna ...
Last weekend, Zvonimir Jurić concluded the principal-photography phase of his fourth feature, The Fourth King. The film was shot on location in Zagreb, as well as on the islands of Pašman and Krk in ...
18/03/2025 - Le quatrième long-métrage du réalisateur s'articule autour d'une réunion de famille sur une île, en hiver ...
A new chapter is set to be marked in the life of the Cinéma du Réel International Documentary Film Festival (running from 22-29 March in Paris) - which will be pre-opened this Friday by Lesotho ...
18/03/2025 - 37 films en compétition et de multiples événements pour la 47e édition du festival international du film documentaire qui se déroulera du 22 au 29 mars ...