THE Victorian State Government is committed to stocking another 10 million fish in 2025/26 to improve recreational fishing ...
TIMOTHY Li is a kiwi artist and spearfisher.He is our first international guest, we compare our fisheries and dive into his ...
MARTIN Salter, Fishing World's UK correspondent, is a former British MP with a wealth of fishing knowledge and experience ...
THE NSW Government today announced that eastern blue groper will continue to be protected following scientific advice and community feedback.
Fishing World is Australia’s premier and longest established fishing magazine and has become known as the “sport fishing bible”.
THE following statement has been supplied by Mark Banasiak MLC.The NSW Government has today announced an unjustified three-year extension of the ban oncatching Blue Groper, despite clear evidence that ...
THE west coast of the Cape York Peninsula extends from Australia’s tip to Karumba, a region that features Australia’s biggest tidal flats and flood plains, massive mangrove estuaries fed by spring-fed ...
THE NSW Government has announced the 10-year Trout Cod Action Plan to recover the threatened native trout cod fish and ...
SYDNEY game fisherman Paul Barning was tragically lost at sea while taking part in last weekend’s NSWGFA Interclub Tournament. Barning was a highly experienced game fisherman and current secretary, ...
SUZUKI Motor Corporation has developed a new technology that applies a corrosion-resistant anodising treatment which can withstand high temperatures to the engine components of outboard motors, ...