‘God knows why these Sanghaalis are so rabidly against C-section!’: spectre of medical coloniality haunts doctor-patient relationship in Guruprasad Kaginele’s Hijab (2020) ...
Correspondence to Dr Rebecca Garden, Bioethics and Humanities, Upstate Medical University, 618 Irving Ave., Syracuse, NY 13224, USA; gardenr{at}upstate.edu Health humanities educators draw on ...
Correspondence to Professor Eivind Engebretsen, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Box 1078 Blindern, Oslo 0316, Norway; eivind.engebretsen{at}medisin.uio.no Modern medicine is confronted with ...
Medicine has been said to be both a science and an art. Many practitioners regard this statement as containing an element of “either/or”. A brief look at what scientists and artists have written about ...
We report a survey of audience members' responses (147 questionnaires collected at seven performances) and 10 in-depth interviews (five former patients and two family members, three medical ...
This paper will try to give new insight into the Cholera Controversy, which occurred 125 years ago. The majority of papers already written on the topic have emphasised the role of Robert Koch who ...
Jane Austen’s letters describe a two-year deterioration into bed-ridden exhaustion, with unusual colouring, bilious attacks and rheumatic pains. In 1964, Zachary Cope postulated tubercular Addison’s ...
One leitmotif that medical humanities shares with phenomenology and most contemporary medical ethics is emphasising the importance of appreciating the patient as a whole person and not merely as an ...
In a recent article in Medical Humanities, Sharpe and Greco characterise myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) as an ‘illness without disease’, citing the absence of identified ...
The literature on pain has so far been primarily interested in chronic pain, medically induced pain and pain as an unwanted experience. However, pain is a more complicated experience and the lines ...
Correspondence to Dr Roderick Bailey, Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities, University of Oxford, Big Data Institute, Old Road Campus, Oxford OX3 7FZ, UK; roderick.bailey{at}history.ox.ac.uk This ...
The impact of social and material conditions on mental health is well established but lacking in a coherent approach. We offer the concept of ‘vitality’ as means of describing how environments ...