Kiwibank也没有具体的取款上限。"不过我行各营业厅的工作人员会向客户了解他们提现的用途和现金去向,如果有可能进行线上转账,会尽量建议采用线上途径作为替代选项。这包括通过数字渠道的自助式转账,或者可以当日到账的付款方式。" ...
奥克兰Stardome天文馆的天文学家Josh Aoraki向RNZ解释道,血月即月食,是月球运行至地球的阴影中时产生的现象。它也被称为"半影月食",发生时月表会呈现"红色影调"--也是"血月"名字的由来。
"偷就是偷--在这份法案生效之前,人们讨薪维权只能发起民事诉讼。而对于任何雇员来说,进行民事讨薪都困难重重、旷日持久且成本高昂。现在不一样了,人们可以直接报警,克扣工资算盗窃。" ...
奥克兰市议会推出全新的绿色"厨余垃圾桶" ,一年77.20纽元的废物处理、厨余垃圾服务费将通过地税支付。市议会表示,奥克兰居民如果选择不使用这个厨余桶,可以选择退还,但依然会被收取该笔费用。
Significant numbers of companies aren't paying any tax at all, data released in an official information act request shows.
A United Nations investigation concluded Thursday (local time) that Israel carried out "genocidal acts" in Gaza through the ...
President Donald Trump on Thursday threatened to impose a massive tariff on European alcohol in response to the European ...
Labour says it does not support the private ownership of infrastructure, as the 'Infrastructure Investment Summit' kicks off.
Sincere Standtrue was found unresponsive at the community's paint shop, with his ability to recover affected by brain damage ...
The voluntary survey includes questions on how productive their office is, how much they use AI, and whether they're ...
Banks are competing for home loan business with offers of cash - and even some people who stay with their current banks are ...
A young crocodile has gone missing at Darwin's Crocodylus Park after a man allegedly broke into the zoo overnight and took it ...