Founded in 1990 by a small group of rights-focused activists exploring ways for everyone to have equal access to the internet ...
The publicness of the internet is at the core of power disputes in the internet governance ecosystem. The problem is two fold: The rise and consolidation of global internet platforms and the trend of ...
We collaborate with Pikara Magazine, a digital magazine with an annual paper edition that incorporates gender perspective and a feminist approach to journalistic work. We collaborate with Rising ...
Lors de la clôture de l’École de réseaux communautaires d’Afrique du Sud (School of Community Networks South Africa – SCN-SA) en février 2023, il a été constaté que 80,9 % des étudiants étaient ...
South Korea's National Assembly passed the AI Framework Act. This happened during a period of tremendous social upheaval, ...
Association for Progressive Communications (APC) 2024. Unless otherwise stated, content on the APC website is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
At its current session, the UN Human Rights Council will discuss a draft resolution on human rights defenders and new and ...
From 10 to 21 March, 2025, the 69th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69) will take place at the United ...