На следующей неделе аукционный дом Art Embassy проводит в Риге большие летние торги живописи и предметов искусства. В аукционный каталог на этот раз включено свыше 350 лотов, представляющих ...
A bust in honour of the Scottish actor Sir Sean Connery has been unveiled – in Estonia, The Telegraph reports. The bronze bust, which was unveiled by Peter Carter, the British Ambassador to Estonia, ...
The Harju County Court on Tuesday acquitted all suspects in the so-called land exchange criminal case in which two former Estonian ministers and several prominent businessmen were accused of bribery, ...
Responsible Lending Guidelines, approved by the Bank of Lithuania, prohibit the banks from lending to their clients over 85% of the value of the bought asset, while a monthly repay of the loan cannot ...
Over the first two quarters of the year 2008, the company Ragutis exported 168,000 liters of Fizz cider to Great Britain, 2.5 times more compared to January-June 2007. As of October 2008, cider is ...
Организации по защите прав животных Loomus и Loomade Nimel в четверг днем проведут перед Рийгикогу в центре Таллинна очередной пикет за запрет пушных ферм. Предыдущую аналогичную акцию защитники ...
South Korean company Korea Electric Power Corp. (KEPCO) no longer wants to be a strategic investor into Visaginas Nuclear Power Plant. The company withdrew its proposal and it is not known yet who ...
The internet shop la.lt, which started its activities in Lithuania two months ago (in November 2008), plans to reach a turnover of 10 million litas (2.87 million euros) in 2009. In 2008, the company ...
In the first half of this year 507,800 Lithuanian tourists went abroad. 55.5% of them were men and remaining 44.5% were women. Compared to the same period last year, the number of tourists going ...
The Prosecutor General's Office has decided to fine a Turkish citizen LVL 12,000 and Turkish company Gama LVL 850,000 for their involvement in the so-called Latvenergo bribery affair, informs LETA.
The most expensive car, sold in Lithuania in 2013, is a Bentley Mulsanne sedane, which costs 776,000 litas, reports LETA, referring to the business news portal Verslo Zinious. The second most ...
Предприятие Gutta, Входящее в группу Orkla Foods Latvija, планирует полностью перенести производство соков в Эстонию до конца первого квартала 2017 года, но в результате реорганизации люди уволены не ...