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Nilima Gulrajani is Principal Research Fellow at ODI Global, where she leads the Donors in a Post-Aid World program, and an associate at Trinity College, University of Toronto. Please wait, fetching ...
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Koichi Hamada calls for a new set of policies that responds to, rather than dismisses, US voters’ legitimate fears.
Boris Ruf explains why shifting the responsibility for reducing AI’s carbon footprint to end users is counterproductive.
Less than two months into his second presidency, Donald Trump has imposed sweeping tariffs on America’s three largest trading ...
Brahma Chellaney urges all parties to adopt a realistic approach to a deadlocked conflict and negotiate accordingly.
While it appears unlikely that US GDP will contract in the first quarter, the economy could enter recession territory in the ...
Reed Galen lambasts the party for sitting by and watching America implode, in the misguided hope of winning the midterms.