Ahead of print articles are peer reviewed, accepted articles to be published in this publication. When the final article is assigned to volumes/issues of the publication, the ahead of print article ...
La declaración PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses), publicada en 2009, se diseñó para ayudar a los autores de revisiones sistemáticas a documentar de manera ...
* Elite Reviewers. The Editors of Rev Esp Cardiol are indebted to these reviewers for their outstanding cooperation.
Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors are a novel pharmacological class of oral hypoglycemic agents that lower glucose levels by increasing renal glucose excretion in an insulin-independent manner ...
Dedicated since 1947 to clinical and translational research in cardiology, this monthly, fully biligual journal, is widely disseminated internationally. Indexed in: Journal Citation Reports and ...
Los antiinflamatorios no esteroideos (AINE), incluido el ácido acetilsalicílico (AAS) (fig. 1), son inhibidores de la enzima ciclooxigenasa 1 (COX-1) y, por lo tanto, inhiben la síntesis del ...
The structure of these guidelines is the same as other ESC guidelines published in the last few years. New and revised recommendations are highlighted at the beginning and, at the end, the messages of ...
Salvatore Cassese, Steffen Desch, Adnan Kastrati, Robert A. Byrne, Lamin King, Tomohisa Tada, Bernward Lauer, Albert Schömig, Holger Thiele, Jürgen Pache ...
Almudena Amor-Salamanca, Gonzalo Guzzo-Merello, Esther González-López, Fernando Domínguez, Alejandra Restrepo-Córdoba, Marta Cobo-Marcos, Manuel Gómez-Bueno, Javier Segovia-Cubero, Luis Alonso-Pulpón, ...
Dedicada desde 1947 a la investigación clínica y traslacional en cardiología. De periodicidad mensual y amplia difusión internacional, se edita íntegramente en inglés y en español. Indexada en: ...