The bank’s work centres on education, employability and entrepreneurship, as well as initiatives in financial education and help for vulnerable people and groups. Madrid, 11 March 2025. Banco ...
Santander and Telefónica announce winning startups and scaleups of global “New era of customer experience” challenge ...
Mediante este aviso, Banco Santander S.A., entidad registrada en el Banco de España bajo el número de registro 0049, con domicilio social en Santander, Paseo de Pereda, 9-12 y CIF A-39000013 titular ...
Education drives prosperity amid an ever-changing job market. At Santander Open Academy, we help people of all ages, customers and non-customers alike, become more employable and develop the ...
Chairman and CEO, BlackRock, Inc. Laurence D. Fink is Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of BlackRock, Inc. He and seven partners founded BlackRock in 1988, and under his leadership, the ...
Seis empresas de España, Reino Unido y Estados Unidos destacan con soluciones innovadoras, apoyándose en las APIs de Open Gateway para transformar la experiencia del cliente. Los ganadores recibirán ...
Six companies from Spain, the UK and the US stood out for their innovative solutions, relying on Open Gateway APIs to transform customer experience. They will share EUR 120,000 in prize money, become ...
Listed companies reward their shareholders with a portion of their profits. Cash dividends are the most common form of this reward. But some companies' shareholder remuneration offers up an ...
Las empresas cotizadas remuneran a sus accionistas mediante la distribución de una parte de sus beneficios. El método más conocido es el pago del dividendo en efectivo. Otra alternativa es la recompra ...
Se incorporó al consejo en 2019. Nacionalidad: Británica. Nacida en 1960 en Worcester, Inglaterra. Educación: Licenciada en Ciencias Económicas por la Universidad de Cambridge. Experiencia: Ha ...
The platform's CEO, Borja Oyarzábal, will continue to lead the project, which aims to reach more than €8 billion in investment commitments in five years, with plans to expand in Europe. Madrid, 3 ...
Santander’s 2024 Annual Report details the Group’s operations last year. As part of our commitment to governance and transparency for all our stakeholders, we’ve also released an online, interactive ...