is the market leading news and analysis site for the world’s largest institutional investors. It focuses on leading the global investment industry to continuous improvement through ... is the market leading news and analysis site for the world’s largest institutional investors. It focuses on leading the global investment industry to continuous improvement through ...
A growing number of asset owners are looking to decrease their allocation to equities, citing elevated risk, based on ...
The growing threat of cyberattacks at portfolio companies - from the growth in AI, IT skill shortages and geopolitics - is viewed as a key risk at the £34 billion Railpen. The investor outlines how ...
Wellcome Trust is holding nearly 10 per cent of its £37.6 billion portfolio in cash and bonds. The charity focused on health research established in 1936 with legacies from pharmaceutical magnate Sir ...
Jay Willoughby, CFA is the chief investment officer of TIFF Investment Management and the chair of TIFF’s investment committee. He crafts investment strategy and manages portfolios that allow members ...
Migros-Pensionskasse (MPK) the CHF29.4 billion ($31 billion) pension fund for Switzerland’s largest retailer, Migros, is in a robust state of health. A coverage ratio of 132.8 per cent means chief ...
Innes McKeand is head of strategic equities at USS Investment Management, the investment management arm of the Universities Superannuation Scheme. He is responsible for all of USS’s listed equities ...
Olivier Rousseau is executive director at Fonds de réserve pour les retraites (FRR), France’s pension reserve fund, where he also chairs the asset manager selection committee. Before joining FRR in ...
Michael Cappucci is a managing director for compliance and sustainable investing at Harvard Management Company (HMC) where he oversees HMC’s legal review process and helps to manage the sustainable ...