FLATWOODS, W.Va (WDTV) - A truck crashed into a diesel fuel pump at a Pilot gas station this evening. The accident, which ...
A man was arrested after he called 911 on Wednesday to report false emergencies while high on methamphetamine and other drugs ...
Lewis County, W.Va (WDTV) - According to WV 511, one lane of I-79 southbound is shut down around mile marker 88. The accident ...
The West Virginia Bureau of Public Health was notified of a confirmed case of measles at the Washington Dulles International ...
Nearly all counties throughout North Central West Virginia were advised of an increased fire risk by the National Weather ...
With high temperatures near records on Friday then possible severe thunderstorms this weekend, it looks like Spring is here.
The home show is a great opportunity for businesses in the home building industry to showcase products to consumers. Consumers can expect to find a wide variety of home improvement, building, and ...
BRIDGEPORT, W.Va (WDTV) - In case you were sleeping and missed the lunar eclipse, here is a 1-minute time-lapse of the event from Friday morning. Shot outside the studio here in Bridgeport from ...