PRESCRIPTION: Diversity, form and function of animals, an overview of the taxonomic diversity of all animals; focused study of selected aquatic, marine and terrestrial species including annelids, molluscs, arthropods, and vertebrates.
We examine the diversity of general body plans seen across the animal kingdom, including such groups as the jellyfish and sea stars. We explore the functional design of key animal species, selected as representatives of those phyla that still have living members, in relation to their ecology and life habits.
Lab activities and experiments exploring the diversity of animals, including invertebrates and vertebrates. Includes instructions for crayfish dissection.
Students will have an understanding of the ecology and evolution of plants and animals. Students will have an understanding of how human beings connect with our environment. Students will understand several aspects of scientific methods including hypothesis testing and the use of observation skills.
2024年8月27日 · Instructor guidelines for Ch 26- Animal Diversity, Bio 4A + 4B Instructor Resources. Introduce students to the diversity of animals, get to know major groups, evolution of animals and position the kingdom in the tree of life.
Structure of Animal Diversity Labs: Your detailed examinations of animal anatomy and physiology will occur in Labs 4-6 and 8-9. Labs 4-6 are focused on invertebrates. During Lab 4, you will examine representatives of three different phyla of worms, and you will study various mollusks and arthropods in Labs 5 and 6, respectively.
This course covers the biology, diversity, and evolutionary relationships of fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. It includes lectures, laboratory work, field trips, and group discussions to provide a
This Online Learning Center provides live links to related Internet sites that are described in Animal Diversity’s end-of-chapter pedagogy. In addition, you will find on-line quizzing, information about careers in Zoology, key terms flash cards, a cladistics laboratory, Zoology Essential Study Partner, and much more.
2000年3月24日 · Animal diversity belongs in the biological sciences component of the scientific awareness segment of the General Education Curriculum. As noted in the outline, students will become exposed to a wide variety of facts and concepts related to biology in general and animal biology in particular.